
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Who won?(Flower festival)

So I went to the festival of flowers and 3 people that I know won and I didn't but at least there was a horizontal bungee this is just a short post because I don't know what else to say bye.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Festival of flowers

Today me and the rest of the year 4's finished of their flower for The Festival Of Flowers, and we made some drawings(flower or fruit\vege) for the festival and the best 2 drawings, from each homeroom to enter the drawing competition and i'm pretty sure i will at least get INTO the competition with my rose, if i win please comment if you go and i win i would really want to know thx bye!!!(i might be there)

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Task week 10

This week i've been doing a activity and I would like to share it with everyone here you go.
This is slide 1

This is slide 2

And this is the last slide
comment if you think you have the answer.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Journey Animation

This is my animation it is finished. what do you think?

Monday, August 19, 2019

maori colours

for the last couple of weeks team toi toi has been learning about maori colours such as : tawa (purple) whero (red) and kowai (yellow) more people should know about different colours and cultures so stay in school.

maths week

last week it was math week right? well team toi toi did 2 activities about stuff about new zealand like new zealand foods and temperatures here's some pictures and have a good day.

Monday, August 12, 2019

using venngage

for the past week i've been using venngage to make a poster to my blog and adding a couple of directions to get to my blog in cybersmart  and also adding some of my latest blog posts this is what my poster looks like

Monday, July 29, 2019

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Words instead of said

for the the past 2 weeks ms Mguinnty's phonics groups have been doing something called... Words instead of said if you would like to see my work then here you go.Please comment

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

in the beginning

for the last couple of weeks our class have been remaking myths and legends i did in the beginning i hope you like it and please comment thx

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

weird altered images here

last week in cybersmart we did a activity called alter it we all did a bunch of altering. WE had to use the explore tool to search up images and use the image to get the job done. my favorite slide was slide 7 when we chose what we want to alter.if you know how to alter to  give me a comment about it.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

brain teaser

hello again and today i'm posting a brain teaser and if you want to try it yourself i'll get a picture up for you guys and girls

either you tried the brain teaser or you didn't want to do it (no offence) so if you thought that 16+14=30 of another way you are right and if you thought that 29+27=56 your right again and then if you add the 30 and the 56 it equals 86


Thursday, June 6, 2019

logic puzzles

hi again and if you want to have a go at this yourself don't and i'll repeat don't read the bottom until your done trying

now either you did it or you just wanted to peek on  the answer!(jk) the answer is D

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

logic puzzles

hi i'm doing another logic puzzle if you want to do this yourself here you go.

and if your not going to have a go (which is okay) the answer is...                   

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

all about me

Aiga (family)

talofa and today i'm doing some more Samoan activivtes 😀. okay there's a family of 10 people there are 3 houses and there's a red house a green house and a brown house.The brown house has 1 more person than the red house,and the green house has 3 more people then the red many people are in each house?                                                                                                                                 (2 3 5)

twentys of twentys

when we stared we thought of doing twentys of twentys so we did it with fake jelly beans.And we made some ideas of how we can make twenty.we On some of them we used addiditn and on some other ones we used minis and mulitition. We had all sorts of ideas

this is my work that i made

siapo cloth

before i start if you want to try this your self click the link here is the problem!
o.k so theirs 8 flowers on a siapo cloth so how many flowers on 5 of them?(8x5)

Monday, May 27, 2019

sione's coconut plantation

if you like you can try this the first question is how many coconuts are there? and there's only 4 trees and each tree produces 3 coconuts  so how many coconuts are there?(spoiler:its 12) after that only half of the coconuts are ready to bring to the market how many are there now?(6)each coconut is sold for $2 each. if Sione sells one third of the coconuts how much money would she make.($4)

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

speeding spaceship and fruit frenzy

In speeding spaceship we halved 142 and 4 then you do is 2 x 91   then you have it find the answer  out your self  (my partner was Toi)                                                                                                                     In fruit frenzy all you have to do is 9+9 then your all done

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.