
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Treasure map

Today in reading I finished an a map (It's a fake)the map was for an activity and to give us an idea we read a text called "pirates plunder" with a crew of 4 (captain a barbarian and 2 extras)they were looking for treasure by you guessed it using a map.Once they made it to land the saw a hangman's nook you know the thing that we hang hangman on  if the other person doesn't guess the word on time?Yeah that and then they saw 2 trees forming an "X" and once they got the treasure and returned to the ship the captain said that they would party. Whoop whoop.Have you made a fake map before?

window to my quarantine

 Today in art we did window art and its all about a whole bunch of things you did over a period of time and and we are writing about our  quarantine.Have you done a activity like this (window art.)

Friday, May 15, 2020

The box

Today in writing we did a description of a clip called "The box" and if you'd like to find out what its about here you go...

One day in a small house a lonely old man set up a mouse trap with a box and a thin piece of wood
(Match), and hid to make sure the mouse didn’t see him.when the mouse climbed up onto the counter
he walked around the box suspiciously but then walked into the box and then the box fell and trapped
the mouse.

The man saw that the box was moving so he used one hand to keep it down and one hand to use the
newspaper as the ground for the mouse.Once the old man had placed down the box outside the window
he heard a cat screeching nearby. 

Instead of letting the mouse outside he brought him onto a table and started giving him water and food
(Breadcrumbs) when he tried to feed the mouse the mouse threw the breadcrumb  back through the air hole
. The man then opened up the box and pretended to eat the breadcrumb in front of the mouse.

But then he offered the mouse the breadcrumb which had been in his hand the mouse took it and when
the man tried to pat the mouse it ran off.Later that night the mouse climbed up onto the man and looked at
him for a bit then ran off again the mouse didn’t know that they would soon be best friends.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

24 Hour Time Timetables

Today in math we learnt about 24 Hour Time Timetables and did an activity about them if you'd like to see the activity here you go...

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Harry Potter Follow Up Activities Wk5

 Today in Reading we did an follow up activity about Harry potter and the philosophers stone If you'd like to see the activity here you go.(Have you done a activity like this?)


Today in writing we were re-writing a clip called "Soar" and If you'd like to see what it's about here you go...

One day on a large hill there was a 10 year old girl trying to make her paper origami soar in the sky.
After she failed once more she went to a nearby table there was a heavy wind the girl held the blueprint
down and then she just let go.

Not three seconds went by until a little ship came crashing down on the table the girl was about to stand
up and walk over when a tiny man came out of the ship!The man dropped a bag and when he walked
over to pick the back up he in shock grabbed a pencil in self-defense when he spotted that his town was
leaving without him.

After thirty minutes trying different techniques and when they were about to give up she saw one of her
blueprints and then used the blueprints as a sail.When the ship was up in the air the little elf opened up
his bag and let out a star and so did the other elf's and then they lived happily ever after.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Chapter 17- The Man with Two Faces (Reading)

Today in reading we read  Chapter 17- The Man with Two Faces but before that we did a name generator of our wizard names this is what my name would be...

And heres the activity we did...

24 hour time

Today in math we learnt about 24 hour time and just to help us miss McLeod put up a little chart to help us with our 24 hour time activity.Have you done an activity learning about 24 hour time too? 

Monday, May 11, 2020

word find

Today in Reading we did a word find and this blog post isn't much but heres how long it took me to complete this word find.

heres the padlet we had to do first...

Dust buddies

If you want to read about dust buddies getting sucked into a vacuum cleaner and then escaping and then sucking the maid up here you go...

One bright sunny day inside a rich house there was a dust buddy using a bent paper clip to fish for broken crackers.  The dust buddy was about to eat the piece of the cracker he fished up when his big brother ate it and walked over to the rest of the remains of the crackers then gave his little brother a look like he wanted him to join.But then a maid came in with a vacuum cleaner and cleaned the dust buddies and the crackers!

The little dust buddy in shock looked around to find a plan to save the dust buddies he looked around and then saw the plug he stealthily made it over to the power conduit. He made it up to the top of the conduit and unplugged the vacuum cleaner then rushed over to enter the vacuum and pull out, all his dust buddies out of the vacuum.

As the dust bunny put his brother back together his brother insisted on putting all the other dust buddies back together after they were all reassembled they ran out of the vacuum and hid.The brothers  hopped onto the vacuum and as soon as the maid plugged the vacuum in they vacuumed the maid and threw the vacuum outside.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Timetables (Math)

Today in math we learnt about timetables and did an activity to help us this is what It looks like when I filled it in...(Have you done a activity like this before?)

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Chapter 15- The Forbidden Forest (reading)

Today in reading we read Chapter 15 the Forbidden Forest Harry potter and the philosophers stone we did an activity this is what it looks like once I've filled it out.

Lighthouse clip description

Today in writing we finished writing a description from a clip we watched the clip was called "Lighthouse" if you'd like to read about it here it is (have you writ a description of a clip you watched before?)

One cold night inside of a lighthouse on the edge of a cliff an old man was writing in his journal until, the
light in the giant light bulb went *BANG*.The old man tripped as he slid off his chair and grabbed a
lantern then, rushed up stairs to fix the bulb otherwise a ship would crash into the rocks by the lighthouse!

As soon as the man made it upstairs he grabbed the tool chest and then put it behind him as soon as
he lifted the bulb up he tripped on his tool box *CRASH!*The light bulb broke and there were a lot of
pieces of broken glass all over the floor. The man started to panic as the ship was coming closer… 

The villagers knew what was going on and then when,the poor old man looked up he saw the whole
village standing around and in the lighthouse.The village helped the old man and the ship in a flash
turned away from the lighthouse and the old man always remembered that moment.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Chapter 14- Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback (Reading)

Today in reading was glitchy but I got my work done and the Chapter was, Chapter 14- Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback and this is what the activity looks like with me filling it in while I had a loss of internet.

calendars (Math)

today in math we learnt a little about calendars and I mean saying how long it takes for people to deliver costumes back to the store and a lot of other stuff.have you done a activity like this before? 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Chapter 12 Nicolas flamel (Reading)

Today in reading we read chapter 12 Nicolas flamel in Harry potter and the philosophers stone this is what the activity looks like if\when I fill it out...

Monday, May 4, 2020

Elapsed time

Today in math we learnt about elapsed time and did an activity about.Have you done a activity like  this before? This is what my activity sheet looks like and on the last page I didn't really understand part of it...

Friday, May 1, 2020

Chapter 11 Quidittch (Reading)

Today miss McLeod's Reading group read  Chapter 10 Quidittch Harry potter and the philosophers stone and did another activity sheet this is what it looks like when I fill it in...

Catch it!

Today miss Jones writing group finished re-writing a video clip called "Catch It" And If you want to know what happens heres my writing...